
Channel Topic Users Max Modes
#archlinuxArchLinux Community Support channel, stay and help others if you can. For ArchLinux and all of its derivative's. Manjaro, Arco, Garuda, RebornOS, etc..114130nt
#chatWelcome to #chat | Caution: Valware bites!152237Cnt
#cinema[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be. | RIP Matthew Perry130198nt
#coders-irc-lounge2|4§¤*7~`~*4¤§2|4§¤*~ 3-=43=- 2[7 Welcome to Coders-irc & 2] 3-=43=- 4~*¤§2|4§¤7*~`~*4¤§2|1626nrt
#fedoraFedora Community Channel. If no response for help, ask in #linux.4665
#ircIRCd's, Services, Clients, Bots,... You name it, We talk about it!2634nt
#kdeKDE Community Support channel. Additional help/chat available in #nerds. (mostly abandoned - not unfriendly)4463
#linuxLinux Support - Ask your question and someone will help you when they can.199375nMt
#marijuana20Idle 0for 60legalization 58:: 18smoke 17weed 20everyday | 44for quick access13845nt
#nerds[18+] [Official IRC-nERDs Channel] [ ipv4: / ipv6: ] [ WebChat: ] [] [ Discord:] Ask your question and hope for an answer, invite your friends. We talk shit and nerd.220313Cnt
#newsnews feeds from around the world brought to your irc.511
#pirates1 0,4<5,4>4,5<1,5>5,1<1,1> 0 Pirates Game! 🕱 Welcome aboard The Devils Plunderer, Season 5, Mod: Pirate Merchants! 🕱 Join wit' !Pirates 🕱 8Happy Weekend 🕱 Chat = doubloons! 🕱 11 1,1 <5,1>1,5<4,5>5,4<0,4>8390
#starwarsAll episodes of Andor, Mandalorian and Ahsoka are out! Skeleton Crew will be later in 2024!65136mnMt
#ubuntuWelcome to #ubuntu - Ask your question and someone will help you when they can.
#videogamesAll gaming discussions on Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC/Linux/Mac/Steam, Mobile and VR for all gamers! | Discord: | Steam Community: | Website: | Twitch:
#weechatWelcome to the weechat community channel. Here for general weechat discussion or for asking for help or giving help to weechat users. One of the best IRC clients ever. Don't be an asshole... Help people out.3848nt
#xtremenerds[PyLink Main Channel] [Need Hosting?] All news and discussion related to Pynerds operations.710