
IRC for Coders

kickban identical nicks


on *:JOIN:#: {
  ;=== Are we some form of op or ircop?
  if ($nick(#,$me,@&~%) || o isin $usermode) { 
    ;=== Is the nickname that joined at least 5 characters?
    if ($len($nick) >= 5) { 
      ;=== Define variables for the pattern and get number of matches for pattern.
      var %pattern = $+($mid($nick,1,5),?*!*@*) , %matches = $ialchan(%pattern,#,0)
      ;=== Do we have more than one match?
      if (%matches > 1) {
        ;=== Define a variable to house our timer name, get its tokens if it exists already and append our pattern to it.
        var %timer = $+(-clones-,$cid,-,#) , %tokens = $addtok($gettok($timer(%timer).com,2-,32),%pattern,32)
        ;=== (Re)set the timer to execute in 1/4 of a second (250 ms) to filter clones with our new pattern(s).
        ; THIS is an important step! if we don't delay, we could miss a few! say 3 join in succession, this will trigger on #2 (> 1)
        ; which will kick 1-2, which means next join trigger on #3 will only have 1 match because we already dealt with #1-2!
        ; by simply delaying a little bit we can nab rapid succession joins that match all in one go!
        $+(timer,%timer) -m 1 250 FilterClones # %tokens
alias -l FilterClones {
  var %chan = $1 , %patterns = $2- , %total = $numtok(%patterns,32)
  ;=== Are we still some form of op or ircop?
  if ($nick(%chan,$me,@&~%) || o isin $usermode) { 
    ;=== Iterate over our passed patterns
    var %x = 0
    while (%x < %total) {
      inc %x
      ;=== Define variables for our pattern, and number of pattern matches
      var %pattern = $gettok(%patterns,%x,32) , %matches = $ialchan(%pattern,%chan,0)
      ;=== Do we have more than one match?
      if (%matches > 1) {
        ;=== clear out results/bans (potential leftover from last pattern) and iterate over our matches
        var %y = 0 , %result = $null , %bans = $null
        while (%y < %matches) {
          inc %y
          ;=== Define variables for the address, nickname, and the nicknames idle time.
          var %address = $ialchan(%pattern,%chan,%y) , %nick = $ialchan(%pattern,%chan,%y).nick , %idle = $nick(%chan,%nick).idle
          ;=== Is our matching nick NOT some form of access level or $me, and idle for <= 3 seconds? If so they either 
          ; just joined, or spoken. Add to results/bans lists. NOTE: We probably don't want nicks that just spoken, but this is
          ; an unfortunate side-effect of this method that should be a rare case, they must match the pattern, and 
          ; have spoken within the 3 sec timeframe of the join flood.
          if (!$nick(%chan,%nick,$prefix) && %nick != $me && %idle <= 3) { var %result = $addtok(%result,%nick,44) , %bans = $addtok(%bans,$mask(%address,2),32) }
        ;=== Get the number of results
        var %results = $numtok(%result,44)
        ;=== Do we have more than one nick left that met all of the above criteria?
        if (%results > 1) {
          ;=== set mode +MR and ban the pattern
          mode %chan +MRb %pattern
          ;=== set a timer to unlock modes "MR" in 5 seconds
          $+(.timer,-unlock-,$cid,-,%chan) 1 5 mode %chan -MR
          ;=== Iterate bans by modespl and ban them
          while ($gettok(%bans,$+(1-,$modespl),32)) { 
            mode %chan $+(+,$str(b,$numtok($v1,32))) $v1
            var %bans = $gettok(%bans,$+($calc($modespl +1),-),32)
          ;=== Iterate nicks by TARGMAX-kick and kick them
          var %FixMeFrom005 = $modespl
          while ($gettok(%result,$+(1-,%FixMeFrom005),44)) { 
            kick %chan $v1 IDenticaL NICK(s)
            var %result = $gettok(%result,$+($calc(%FixMeFrom005 +1),-),44)

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