
IRC for Coders

Channel Top10

!stats [nick] => Overall stats for $nick|$2 in $network@#Channel
!top10 => Overall top 10 chatters in $network@channel
!tstats [nick] => Today's stats about $nick|$2
!ttop10 => Today's top 10 chatters in $network@#Channel
!delstats <nick> => Removing statistics about $2 in $network@#Channel
!clearstats => Removing all statistics collected for $network@#Channel

; Binding all channel text to the parsing routine
; NB! No more "on text" events

Version history:
21.02.2007 v1.2 bugfix release. (Fixed output bug resulting top9 instead of top10)

ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if %stats_module == On {
    IF ($1 == %c $+ top10) {
      IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) {
      inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1
      msg $chan $maketop10($network $+ @ $+ $chan)
      unset %stats_top10_*
      window -c @top10source
    IF ($1 == %c $+ ttop10) {
      IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) {
      inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1
      msg $chan $maketodaytop10($network $+ @ $+ $chan)
      unset %stats_top10_*
      window -c @top10source
    IF ($1 == %c $+ stats) {
      IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) {
      inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1
      IF ($2) {
        msg $chan $getstats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2)
      IF (!$2) {
        msg $chan $getstats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick)
    IF ($1 == %c $+ tstats) {
      IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) {
      inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1
      IF ($2) {
        msg $chan $gettodaystats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2)
      IF (!$2) {
        msg $chan $gettodaystats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick)
    IF ($1 == %c $+ delstats) && ($2) &&  ($level($address($nick,2)) == 500) {
      remove-stats-nick $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2
      .msg $chan Erasing entries for nick $2
    IF ($1 == %c $+ clearstats) &&  ($level($address($nick,2)) == 500) {
      remove-stats-channel $network $+ @ $+ $chan
      .msg $chan Channelstats erased.
    IF ($left($1,1) == %c) {

      hinc -m totalcommands $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1
      hinc -m todaytotalcommands $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1
    hinc -m totalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32)
    hinc -m totalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-)
    hinc -m totallines $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1

    hinc -m todaytotalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32)
    hinc -m todaytotalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-)
    hinc -m todaytotallines $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1
; Action counting
; Will add all used words in action to the total spoken words as well

ON *:ACTION:*:#: {
  if %stats_module == on {
    hinc -m totalactions $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1
    hinc -m totalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32)
    hinc -m totalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-)
    hinc -m todaytotalactions $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1
    hinc -m todaytotalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32)
    hinc -m todaytotalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-)
ALIAS statsave {
  hsave -i totalwords chanstats.dat totalwords
  hsave -i totalletters chanstats.dat totalletters
  hsave -i totalcommands chanstats.dat totalcommands
  hsave -i totalactions chanstats.dat totalactions
  hsave -i totallines chanstats.dat totallines

ALIAS todaystatclear {
  hfree -w todaytotal*
  hmake todaytotalwords 10
  hmake todaytotalletters 10
  hmake todaytotalcommands 10
  hmake todaytotalactions 10
  hmake todaytotallines 10

ALIAS statload {
  hmake totalwords 10
  hmake totalletters 10
  hmake totalcommands 10
  hmake totalactions 10
  hmake totallines 10
  hload -i totalwords chanstats.dat totalwords
  hload -i totalletters chanstats.dat totalletters
  hload -i totalcommands chanstats.dat totalcommands
  hload -i totalactions chanstats.dat totalactions
  hload -i totallines chanstats.dat totallines

alias clearstats {
  var %stats_clearconfirm = $input(Are you sure you want to completely clear the statistics database?,yvqd,Channelstats :: Dreambot 5.6)
  IF (%stats_clearconfirm == $yes) {
    hfree -sw total*
    hmake totalwords 10
    hmake totalletters 10
    hmake totalcommands 10
    hmake totalactions 10
    hmake totallines 10

ALIAS remove-stats-nick {
  var %stats-remnick = $1 $+ *
  hdel -w totalwords %stats-remnick
  hdel -w totalletters %stats-remnick
  hdel -w totalcommands %stats-remnick
  hdel -w totalactions %stats-remnick
  hdel -w totallines %stats-remnick
  hdel -w todaytotalwords %stats-remnick
  hdel -w todaytotalletters %stats-remnick
  hdel -w todaytotalcommands %stats-remnick
  hdel -w todaytotalactions %stats-remnick
  hdel -w todaytotallines %stats-remnick

ALIAS remove-stats-channel {
  var %stats-remchan = $1 $+ *
  hdel -w totalwords %stats-remchan
  hdel -w totalletters %stats-remchan
  hdel -w totalcommands %stats-remchan
  hdel -w totalactions %stats-remchan
  hdel -w totallines %stats-remchan
  hdel -w todaytotalwords %stats-remchan
  hdel -w todaytotalletters %stats-remchan
  hdel -w todaytotalcommands %stats-remchan
  hdel -w todaytotalactions %stats-remchan
  hdel -w todaytotallines %stats-remchan

ALIAS getstats {
  IF ($hget(totalwords, $1) != $null) {
    IF ($hget(totalwords, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.words = $hget(totalwords, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.words = 0
    IF ($hget(totalletters, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.letters = $hget(totalletters, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.letters = 0
    IF ($hget(totalcommands, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.commands = $hget(totalcommands, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.commands = 0
    IF ($hget(totallines, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.lines = $hget(totallines, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.lines = 0
    IF ($hget(totalactions, $1)) {
      var %t.actions = $hget(totalactions, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.actions = 0
    return [ $+ $gettok($1,3,64) $+ ] Spoken words: %t.words ( $+ %t.letters letters) Commands used %t.commands $+ . %t.lines lines and %t.actions actions.
  return I have no stats about $gettok($1,3,64)

ALIAS gettodaystats {
  IF ($hget(todaytotalwords, $1) != $null) {
    IF ($hget(todaytotalwords, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.words = $hget(todaytotalwords, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.words = 0
    IF ($hget(todaytotalletters, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.letters = $hget(todaytotalletters, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.letters = 0
    IF ($hget(todaytotalcommands, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.commands = $hget(todaytotalcommands, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.commands = 0
    IF ($hget(todaytotallines, $1) != $null) {
      var %t.lines = $hget(todaytotallines, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.lines = 0
    IF ($hget(todaytotalactions, $1)) {
      var %t.actions = $hget(todaytotalactions, $1)
    ELSE {
      var %t.actions = 0
    return [ $+ $gettok($1,3,64) $+ ] Spoken words today: %t.words ( $+ %t.letters letters) Commands used today %t.commands $+ . %t.lines lines and %t.actions actions.
  return I have no stats about $gettok($1,3,64)

ALIAS maketop10 {
  ; Save the hash table into .dat
  ; I know that this will make answer delayed especially in bigger channels... but well.... i dont care.
  ; This is about the best way to ensure that we will get the most recent result and also to ensure that we have backup of the hashtables.
  ; Loading total spoken words into window
  window -hk0n @top10source
  clear @top10source
  var %stats_findbegin = $read(chanstats.dat, s, [totalwords])
  var %stats_looppoint = $calc($readn + 1 )
  WHILE (!%stats_loophalt) {
    var %stats_putline = $read(chanstats.dat, %stats_looppoint)
    IF ($left(%stats_putline,1) != $chr(91)) && ($left(%stats_putline,$len($1)) == $1) {
      var %statscleanline = $gettok($read(chanstats.dat, %stats_looppoint),3,64)
      aline @top10source %statscleanline
    ELSEIF ($left(%stats_putline,1) == $chr(91)) {
      var %stats_loophalt = true
    inc %stats_looppoint
  ; Filtering the window
  filter -cetuww 2 61 @top10source @top10source *
  ; Now lets read the first 10 lines and store it to variables (%stats_top10_xx)
  ; Thats it if we have 10 lines of course
  ; If we have less then we will output only existing numbers of lines.
  var %stats_loop10 = 1
  WHILE (!%statssecondloophalt) {
    IF ($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) {
      set -e %stats_top10_ [ $+ [ %stats_loop10 ] ] $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),1,61) ( $+ $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),2,61) $+ )
      inc %stats_loop10
    IF (!$line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) || (%stats_loop10 >= 11) {
      var %statssecondloophalt = true
  IF (%stats_loop10 != 12) {
    var %stats_loop10 = $calc(%stats_loop10 - 1)
  return Top %stats_loop10 chatters by total spoken words: %stats_top10_1 %stats_top10_2 %stats_top10_3 %stats_top10_4 %stats_top10_5 %stats_top10_6 %stats_top10_7 %stats_top10_8 %stats_top10_9 %stats_top10_10

ALIAS maketodaytop10 {
  window -hk0n @top10source
  clear @top10source
  hsave -i todaytotalwords tempstats.dat totalwords
  var %stats_loopline = 1
  WHILE (%stats_loopline <= $lines(tempstats.dat)) {
    IF ($gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),1,64) == $gettok($1,1,64)) && ($gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),2,64) == $gettok($1,2,64)) {
      aline -p @top10source $gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),3,64)
    inc %stats_loopline
  filter -cetuww 2 61 @top10source @top10source *
  var  %stats_loop10 = 1
  WHILE (!%statssecondloophalt) {
    IF ($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) {
      set -e %stats_top10_ [ $+ [ %stats_loop10 ] ] $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),1,61) ( $+ $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),2,61) $+ )
      inc  %stats_loop10
    IF (!$line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) || (%stats_loop10 >= 11) {
      var  %statssecondloophalt = true
  IF (%stats_loop10 != 12) {
    var %stats_loop10 = $calc(%stats_loop10 - 1)
  .remove tempstats.dat
  return Todays top %stats_loop10 chatters by total spoken words: %stats_top10_1 %stats_top10_2 %stats_top10_3 %stats_top10_4 %stats_top10_5 %stats_top10_6 %stats_top10_7 %stats_top10_8 %stats_top10_9 %stats_top10_10

ON *:CONNECT: timerresettodaystats -o {
  if %stats_module == $null { set %stats_module on }
  timerresettodaystats 23:59 1 60 dailystatsflush}

  ON *:EXIT: {
    echo -a ::: Stats ::: Storing stats.

  ALIAS dailystatsflush: disconnect server {
    timerresettodaystats 23:59 0 60 /todaystatclear
    /MSG $chan todaystats cleared when the bot resets}

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