
IRC for Coders

Multi-owner script


1. Press alt+r to bring up script window.
2. Go to File > New
3. Paste code from box above into the window.
4. Replace with your channel name.
5. Right-click on the nick you want to add/delete.
6. Find "Owners", and click to add/delete them or list all the users in the database.
7.Jason stinks. You have to be connected to one of those irc server things.
8. Make sure you have ownermode set on your channel. (/msg chanserv set #channel ownermode on)

Auto-owner v1.0

on *:start: { hload ownertable owners.txt }

on * { if ($find(ownertable,$nick)) { mode $chan +q $nick } }

menu nicklist {


.Add: {

if (!$hget(ownertable)) { hmake ownertable 10 }

if ($hfind(ownertable,$1)) { echo -a 07 $+ $timestamp *** User $1 already exists in the owner database. }

else {

hadd ownertable $1 1

hsave -a ownertable owners.txt

echo -a 07 $+ $timestamp *** User $1 added to the owner database.



.Del: {

if ($hfind(ownertable,$1)) { hdel ownertable $1 | echo -a 07 $+ $timestamp *** User $1 removed from the owner database. }

else { echo -a 7 $+ $timestamp *** User $1 not found in the owner database. }



.List: {

if ($hget(ownertable,0).item == 0) { echo -a 07 $+ $timestamp *** No users currently exist in the owner database. | halt }

echo -a 7 $+ $timestamp *** Users that are set to be auto +q'd:

var %ownernum = $hget(ownertable,0).item

while (%ownernum) {

echo -a 07 $+ $timestamp *** $calc($hget(ownertable,0).item - %ownernum + 1) $+ . $hget(ownertable,%ownernum).item

dec %ownernum


echo -a 7 $+ $timestamp *** End of list. $hget(ownertable,0).item $+ $iif($hget(ownertable,0).item == 1,user,users) $iif($hget(ownertable,0).item == 1,exists,exist) in the owner database.




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tclscripts / YoutubeTitle

Youtube Title 1.9 # - fetches and displays video information when a YouTube link is posted in channel. # - displays title, date and rating of posted video links. # - supports also HTTPS links. # # requires: packages http # # UPDATES/CHANGES: # - (1.9) added stars for like display instead of procentages # - (1.8) added anti-flood support # - (1.8) added youtube search (it will get info from the first youtube video) # - (1.8) added support for links # - (1.8) shows...

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Invite script v1.0

; Invite Script v1.0 - by entropy 2020 - updated: 6/19/20 ; Change: \"#test\" to the channel you want it to work on ; Then: !i <nickname> ; RAWs for /INVITE raw 443:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $2 is already on $3 | halt } } raw 341:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $qt($2) has been invited to $3 | halt } } raw 401:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick No such nickname $qt($2) on IRC | halt } } ; Events for /INVITE on *:input:#test:{ if (!i * iswm $1- && $server)...

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