IRC for Coders


So our developer err0r who works and designs our websites has now developed a nice chat site for us and other's He's been putting a lot of work into it and making it happen. So now people who want to chat on IRC can with this amazing webchat. it's still being developed by err0r but you can see what it's like soon.

Remember IRC? It’s Still Around – And It’s Still Worth Using

In the days of Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms, one form of online communication tends to be overlooked: Internet Relay Chat (IRC). It’s a pity, because IRC is a wonderful way to get free support, especially for open-source software. In many cases, you can get help directly from the developers themselves.Why IRC?Of course, IRC isn’t mentioned nearly as much as the other platforms, and if you do hear about it in the tech press, it’s usually because Anonymous hackers have...

The origins of IRC

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) has been around since 1988, which makes it ancient in Internet terms.And although it’s still used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world, IRC has seen a dramatic downturn in usage.We have talked to the creator of IRC, and others, about why the once so widely used technology has seemingly fallen out of favor with so many users.The origins of IRCWe connected with Jarkko Oikarinen, the creator of IRC, who works at Google in Sweden, and he told us the story...