IRC for Coders

CheckHostBL v1.0

The screenshot shows how I tried to simulate a user connecting from different host addresses, and that the script returns to me in echo-response when it found the user's host that matched the mask on the blacklist shown in the screenshot to the right. Each line in the screenshot shows the user's nickname, his host, line number and mask that were found in the black list:      Now to a description of how it works. In the alias "cbl_data" you can configure all...

AntiProxyScan v1.0

Description to v1.0:  1.Scans all incoming connections to the server and checks users by "IP4" (address must be in the form of numbers). For this, the bot where this script will be installed must have IRCop privileges with snomask (+cC).  2.You can use the command with the syntax: "!ps ". (All nicknames for which this command will be available are recorded in the "%ps_admins" variable).  3.In the "ps_gettype" alias, you can, if you wish, write your...

Ops & NoOps v1.0

; Ops & NoOps v1.0
; /ops (ops you on all channels) -and- /noops (deops you on all channels)
alias method { return $iif($network == UnderNet,.msg X op,.cs op) }
alias ops {
var %a = 1, %b
while ($scon(%a)) {
scid $v1 | var %x = 1, %y
while ($chan(%x)) { %y = $v1 | if ($me !isop %y) { $method %y $me } | inc %x }
inc %a
scid -r
alias noops {
var %a = 1, %b
while ($scon(%a)) {
scid $v1 | var %x = 1, %y
while ($chan(%x)) { %y = $v1 | if ($me isop %y) { mode %y -o $me } | inc %x }
inc %a
scid -r