
IRC for Coders


This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including:Added support for big float calculations using MAPM library.Fixed script parser bug when handling non-while/if { } brackets.Updated zlib library to v1.2.13.Fixed !. command prefixes used infront of while/if commands affecting following command.Added identifiers $cbrt(), $log2(), $powmod(), $modinv(), $gcd(), and...

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IRC × OAuth 2.0

IRC × OAuth 2.02022-09-13In the past few days I’ve been working on better integrating IRC with OAuth 2.0. In a nutshell, my goal is to make IRC clients obtain a token by interacting with an OAuth 2.0 server, and then use that token to authenticate with the IRC server. This effort has resulted in various patches for’s OAuth 2.0 server, for the soju IRC bouncer and for the gamja & goguma IRC clients.Read More Here

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Show Selected Joins/Parts/Quits


This addon shows when selected nicks join/part/quit from either all or selected channels. This addon is for people who like to hide the join/part/quit events by default but still would like to track a few friends. It simply shows the join or part event in selected or all channels and the quit event in the nicks query window if you have one open with that nick and all common channels in the selected channels list if the all channel option isn’t selected


Script=join part messages
Desc=shows joins, parts, and quits of selected users

Menu nicklist {
Join & Parts
.$iif($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini, $1, join), $style(2)) Add User(s): joins_add $1-
.$iif(!$readini($scriptdirjoins.ini, $1, join), $style(2)) Remove $1: $iif($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini, $1, welcome_back), remini $scriptdirjoins.ini $1 join, remini $scriptdirjoins.ini $1)

alias -l joins_add {
  while ($1) {
    writeini $scriptdirjoins.ini $1 join On
    tokenize 32 $2-

menu channel,menubar { 
  Join & Parts { dialog -ma joinpart joinpart }

on *:join:#:{
  if ($regex($chan,$+(/,$replace($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,chan),$chr(35),$+($chr(92),$chr(35))),/i))) || ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,allchan == 1)) {
    if ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,$nick,join)) echo $color(join) $chan $timestamp * $nick has joined
on *:part:#:{
  if ($regex($chan,$+(/,$replace($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,chan),$chr(35),$+($chr(92),$chr(35))),/i))) || ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,allchan == 1)) {
    if ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,$nick,join)) echo $color(part) $chan $timestamp * $nick has parted
on *:quit:{
  if ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,$nick,join)) {
    if ($window($nick)) echo $color(quit) $nick $timestamp * $nick has quit $scid($cid).network [ $+ $1- $+ ]
    set -l %num 1
    while (%num <= $comchan($nick,0)) {
      if ($regex($comchan($nick,%num),$+(/,$replace($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,chan),$chr(35),$+($chr(92),$chr(35))),/i))) || ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,allchan == 1)) { echo $color(quit) $comchan($nick,%num) $timestamp * $nick has quit $scid($cid).network [ $+ $1- $+ ] }
      inc %num

alias resetjoin {
  did -ra joinpart 3 $readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,chan)
  set -l %topic 1
  did -r joinpart 1
  while (%topic <= $ini($scriptdirjoins.ini,0)) {
    if ($ini($scriptdirjoins.ini,%topic) != Chan) did -a joinpart 1 $ini($scriptdirjoins.ini,%topic)
    inc %topic

on *:dialog:joinpart:*:*:{
  if ($devent == close) {
    if ($did(3) != $null) writeini $scriptdirjoins.ini Chan chan $did(3)
    elseif ($did(3) == $null) && ($ini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan)) remini $scriptdirjoins.ini Chan
  elseif ($devent == init) {
    if ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,Chan,allchan) == 1) {
      did -h $dname 3,7,9
      did -c $dname 10
  elseif ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 1) did -ra $dname 2 $did(1).seltext
    elseif ($did == 4) {
      if ($did(2) != $null) {
        writeini $scriptdirjoins.ini $did(2) join on
        did -ra $dname 9 Nick added
        did -r $dname 2
    elseif ($did == 8) && ($did(1).seltext != $null) && ($readini($scriptdirjoins.ini,$did(2),join) != $null) {
      remini $scriptdirjoins.ini $did(2)
      did -ra $dname 9 Nick removed
      did -r $dname 2
      did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel
    elseif ($did == 10) {
      writeini $scriptdirjoins.ini Chan allchan $did(10).state
      if ($did(10).state == 0) did -v $dname 3,7,9
      else did -h $dname 3,7,9

dialog joinpart {
  title "Show Joins, Parts, Quits"
  size -1 -1 335 155
  option pixels
  list 1, 5 5 140 142, vsbar size sort
  edit "", 2, 180 5 150 20
  edit "", 3, 180 100 150 20, autohs
  button "Add", 4, 195 30 66 24, result
  button "Exit", 5, 265 125 66 26, cancel
  text "Nick", 6, 150 5 30 18
  text "Chans", 7, 147 100 30 16
  button "Delete", 8, 265 30 65 25
  text "# required, | is separator", 9, 180 80 146 17
  check "Show in All Chans", 10, 150 60 124 17


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