
IRC for Coders

KISS for IRC, a tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99

KISS for IRC, a tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.Features Excellent cross-platform compatibility.Asynchronous user input and server messager handling.No dependencies other than a C99 compiler.Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) procotol support.Client-to-client protocol (CTCP) support.Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol support (via external utilities).Full chat history logging.Multi-channel joining at server connection.Simple command aliases and full support for all RFC...

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IRC is Growing More & More

The number of public IRC servers grew by 476 in 2020,820 servers in Dec 20206,344 servers in Dec 2019New Dec 2020 scan results.#IRC Server software in use on the Internet:#UnrealIRCd 39%,#InspIRCd 20%, Hybrid 10%, ngircd 9%. See details on Compared to a year ago, InspIRCd gains 1% and UnrealIRCd loses 2.7%.

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Coders-IRC Fixes and updates

Just a quick update on the network. We have moved the main sites and hub to a new dedicated server that offered more resources. We have also upgraded the chat servers and anope services to the latest versions available.Website side we have been getting things up and running. chain has been busy testing and adding script both to the coders-resources site and here. We have also been working on restoring some of our previously used tools such as the Services Control Panel you can access on the...

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