
IRC for Coders

Invite script v1.0

; Invite Script v1.0 - by entropy 2020 - updated: 6/19/20 ; Change: \"#test\" to the channel you want it to work on ; Then: !i <nickname> ; RAWs for /INVITE raw 443:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $2 is already on $3 | halt } } raw 341:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $qt($2) has been invited to $3 | halt } } raw 401:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick No such nickname $qt($2) on IRC | halt } } ; Events for /INVITE on *:input:#test:{ if (!i * iswm $1- && $server)...

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Android Hacks - Discussions

Sharing knowledges in tricks are here. Click the website attach on this page for free mobile surfing, mostly for educational purposes.Join Here

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Uncovered: APT 'Hackers For Hire' Target Financial, Entertainment Firms

A hackers-for-hire operation has been discovered using a strain of previously undocumented malware to target South Asian financial institutions and global entertainment companies. Dubbed "CostaRicto" by Blackberry researchers, the campaign appears to be the handiwork of APT mercenaries who possess bespoke malware tooling and complex VPN proxy and SSH tunneling capabilities. "CostaRicto targets are scattered across different countries in Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia and...

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